“I support the Underage marriage law because Nigerian men are already rapists – Kemi Olunloyo

The controversial Kemi who has declared her intention to run for Governor of Oyo state come 1015, posted this on her blog.
Read Below

“I support the UNDERAGE marriage LAW but encourage any girl to say NO if they don’t want to marry…YET!
Nigerians please start pushing the GAY marriage out too and get your wish and stop being cowards.

I changed my mind. Let these girls MARRY at their own will if they want.
Let them get an education if some rich or caring man wants to care for them.
From studying Nigerians, many of you are certified rapists, incestual and pure cruel to girls period. Read our Nigerian Tribune piece by Monica Taiwo how Nigerians are seriously ruining lives of girls.
Many girls have approached me @HipHossip on twitter and in person and phone telling me that family members violate them the most. Some however did not want to marry that young fearing they will lose their education. I will rather see them as small wives that are loved than rape and incest victims. Here in my hometown, the girls hawking in the motorparks are being raped all hours of the day and nobody does anything about it. You people are straight up frauds with the #ChildNotBride issue.
For some of you on my page who dig your fingers into 10 year old vaginas, God will punish you straight up! That is why your stupid lines have pens not penis, education not ejaculation etc. You are fucking corrupt in Nigeria secretly teaching them about sex in your lines and you dare collage these Senators as perverts and pedophiles. Long as the girls are not slaves I’m OK with it.

Modern slavery of any kind will get you ripped my me. If you are gonna get them pregnant, take care of them. Most teen pregnancies happen in developed countries by 15 anyway so my take is to take care of these girls. Nigerian men have been marrying out their daughters for ages. Being a law now is no big deal. Human rights here does not include gays and lesbians. Give everyone the right of marriage. LIKE America’s DOMA, Marry who you love!
That Underage marriage bill will PASS!
Watch me inform teen girls about the bill in my hometown Ibadan and what they had to say. It was a wrong message at first but now I informed the girls of my changed decision to get their education and not be forced.”

Who agrees with Kemi?!


  1. toyin

    July 30, 2013 at 8:17 am

    she is actually right.


    July 30, 2013 at 9:41 am

    I fucking Agree with myself. Even when I warned Ayinde’s wife in America, what did she do? Yap me, curse me and all. Im gonna dig out those conversations. She and her girlfriends.

  3. chicl

    July 30, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    She is entitled to her silly opinion- that’s what freedom of speech is all about

  4. Lucy Oluwaseun

    July 30, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    That’s the part of it all we all failed to look at, some of the under aged girls are prostitutes having sex anyhow, following over aged men for money and they cannot be wives abi?? We should wake up and look at things from every angle before passing judgements, I fully agree with kemi and the senators

  5. em

    July 30, 2013 at 4:33 pm

    Not just silly opinion ! Can’t yall see confusion in her life? Arrant nonsense !

  6. bashwaziri

    July 31, 2013 at 6:57 am

    Am not sayin am either supporting her views or not. What I find amusing is the level of illiteracy among our so called educated folks. I read thru the constitution and couldn’t find anything on age or forced marriage for a girl!!! I wonder who is the dullard that brought about the nonsense #childnotbride. That person must be a complete fool.
    But alas, the gullible mumu lazy Nigerian youths were just busy broadcasting, pinging, re-tweeting, uploading, sharing… Etc, without making any research to ascertain the authenticity of the report! Pity

  7. ModestSam

    July 31, 2013 at 7:56 am

    When someone is dying for attention, she would stoop to any level to get it. Was expecting an intelligent argument, not this arrant nonsense. Can’t believe I just wasted 2 minutes of my life, I’d never get back.
    @bashwaziri, u just showed how uninformed u are. Pls, just read thru that portion of the bill, and come back here after speaking with some people who have brains, to tell me what you learnt.
    The bill indirectly supports underage marriage by saying an underage married girl will be presumed to be an adult.
    You ignoramus, come here to talk about your consent to underage marriage after giving out your daughters in marriage @ the age of 13.

  8. Adeyemi Aderinto

    July 31, 2013 at 8:04 am

    You are wrong ma. Child marriage is worse than child prostitution. In child prostitution, sooner or later, the girl will get herself right and move on with her life, and marry the person she choose. In child marriage, the child will be forced into marriage when she does not even have any clue whom she loves and what marriage is all about, and then she is into it for life. Minimum age for marriage is purely a way to protect young girls.
    To correct your wrong information, while it is true that many girls in the US give birth at the age of 15, they don’t do so with adults, they do so with fellow age mates, whom they are not bound to marry. Many of them get it right at last, furthering their education and later marrying with full understanding and maturity.

  9. Navida

    November 26, 2013 at 4:10 pm

    Okay Nigerians, I know you guys are trying to get more modernized and industrialized and all but there are just some things that you guys need to put under check. If the United States spent time trying to be like others they won’t be where they are. Do you guys even know how long it took the United States to finally approve the marriage law to tell you how upsetting it was. Now because they finally did they think it’s right to pork nose into other countries laws and tell them what and what not to do and you stupid people that want to ruin Nigeria want to follow. Keep following and you won’t know when your name is wiped off the map completely. As for stupid Tonto Dikeh and all the stupid movie producers promoting crap make sure your children are not doing the stupid things you put on tv making people without common sense have k-leg in their thinking. This Kemi girl is a piece of shit and needs a little bit of psychological therapy in her life and I’m assuming her generalization “men” does include her father. Girl get a life and your hopes for governorship good to dream but some dreams never come to pass….Just saying :-)

  10. Navida

    November 26, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    Forgot to add this kemi your tongue not attractive at all you could do yourself good by taking it in. Miley does it we all understand but it’s really not necessary. And the whole red lipstick stuff with your red, is it Christmas cap or head warmer and is that your red bra or your red nightwear with diamond or what looks like diamond or silver earrings? Not good Kemi, not good. Read more fashion magazines. By the way, the amount of stress you are applying to bring out your tongue is not proportional at all and it’s causing a strain around your neck making your veins and neck bones show and making me think you are gasping for air.

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